Children can be very challenging to comprehend and figure out. The biggest enigma for a mother to comprehend is the myriad questions, complexities, and issues that are going through a child's mind. One needs to understand child psychology in order to understand this.
Child psychology is a vast area to learn. It explains how people develop from childhood until adolescence and how each child differs from the next not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of mentality and personality. It is said that the mind of the child is nascent and this is the reason why understanding or learning the various aspects of your child’s behavior is of utmost importance for the parents.
For a child’s emotional, social, and physical well-being, the early years of life are crucial. Overall, this affects the way they turn out as adults. According to research, the early years are also very important for brain development. Early interactions with parents and the outside world have a significant impact on a person's future physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Understanding the psychological needs of the child varies at different stages of development. Realizing and accepting your child’s likes, dislikes, needs, wants and qualities (good or bad) is the key to being a good parent.
Here are a few tips to help you understand your child:

Observe - The best way to know what's going on in your child’s mind is by just being around him/her. You can learn a lot about a child’s personality from how they play, what they ask for, how they respond to situations, how they interact with others, etc.
Be a Best Friend to your child - Always be there for your child. Making them aware about the fact that you are standing right behind your little one if they fall or have any problem and they can rely on you. The child will feel safe, loved, and wanted as a result of this will encourage him/her to talk to you.
Listen - You can learn more about your child by paying attention to him. He will sense your interest in his life if you do this. As a result, your relationship will become stronger.
Talk - Talking about topics that interest your child could encourage him/her to open up to you. You could start conversations more readily and get to know your child better in this way.
Praise - Praise for a job well done will help him feel better about himself. Overpraising, however, might make him conceited and snobbish.
Explain - Toddlers will follow any rules you make for them or any decisions you make for their benefit. Adolescents are the actual issue. You can blame their maturity. Just try to explain why you had to make a particular choice or take a particular action in such circumstances. They might be upset with you at the time, but they will eventually come around.
Ask for their opinion - Where necessary, seek his opinion. He will feel more significant and valuable if the child does this.
Discover the reasons behind the behavior - Try to identify the root of any negative behavior or misbehavior your child has displayed. You'll learn where you've been falling short as a parent by doing this, and you'll have the chance to improve.
Think like them - When conversing with your child or engaging in an activity together, it's crucial to put yourself in their shoes. He'll feel more at ease because of this.
Let their imagination flow - Thinking, questioning and being curious about the world around them will make them better in school as well as life. Watch your child as you stroll alongside him. He might observe something that is very different from what you are. When he does this, do not stop him. You'll gain more understanding of his inner thoughts if you do this.

The best thing parents can do for their children's overall development is to relax restrictions on their creativity. Allow your child to develop and learn on his own. You can achieve this by actively encouraging and supporting their interests, extracurricular preferences, and hobbies outside of the academic curriculum.
These are just a few suggestions to think about because it can be challenging for parents to comprehend their children. Make sure you are well aware of your child's personality so you can focus on their talents and positive behaviors, which will give them a well-rounded personality in later years. This will help you improve your parenting skills.
Of course, there will be a lot of ups and downs, yes and no’s when trying to understand your toddler, but trust the process. Things like this are very important to know if your child is ready to go to school or not.