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What is Little Elly app & who is it for?

Little Elly App is designed to support schools in achieving outstanding parental engagement  and offers a beautiful classroom & preschool management platform for parents, teachers, center head and coordinator and the management / owner of the preschool chain to easily encourage any behavior or skill in the classroom or preschool and keep everyone in their respective loops to keep them well-aware and update of their progress and goals.
To make keeping a track of the work and the child’s progress easier, the Little Elly app is all here for your support with the most comfortable and secure system.

How to login/register on the Little Elly App?

Download the app from the apple app store or google play store
Use the login credentials provided by your Little Elly center, the same credentials can be used in your web App as well.
Make sure to fill in the appropriate details while registering.

Whom to reach out to when facing technical error? 

In this case, if the app is caught in any error.
Firstly, visit your web app and check for any possible/visible errors
Secondly, after encountering the error, try to refresh the web app. 
If not working out, please contact our technical support team:

How to register a complaint?

If you have any disregards or difficulties, in order to put that out there, you can visit our Contact here menu and type in the required information and mark it as “Acomplaint”.
After you submit your complaint, the screen will show a complaint submitted page with the details which you put in to confirm. 
Now, your complaint has been registered and we will get back to you soon.

How to reset your login password? 

If you forget your password, there is a “Forget password”option at the beginning of your login procedure. 
Click on that and enter your email address which was given to you by the Little Elly center.
An email will be sent to it and follow the instructions as mentioned to reset your password.

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