Don’t know how to start your child’s journey of education with the right preschool? Deciding a preschool for your child is no easy task, especially when considering the early learning education because the correct preschool will have more effect on your child’s success and better understanding towards many decision making processes than their schooling years.
If your child is headed to preschool next year, you’re not alone if you feel overwhelmed as you navigate the selection process. On one hand there will be choices and flexibility, at least for families who are fortunate enough to have the time, resources and options. On the other hand, the process can be stressful and confusing as you would have limited options to choose from. Public-school pre-K programs alleviate financial burdens for families, but exacerbate them for private programs by shrinking the pool of four-year-olds.
So, how do you pick the right spot for your child- where it not only learns but also at the same time is comfortable with the environment?

When choosing a preschool, remember that early childhood learning is built on trusting relationships. That means that good teachers do not yell, cluck their tongues, or roll their eyes at children. Positive relationships can be hard to define, but they are easy to see.
The quality of preschools varies considerably, so parents need to be informed consumers. Yes, one would do abundant research on the various preschools around considering ample number of factors such as the distance of the preschool from home, transportation, surroundings, curriculum, brand and so much more.
Here are 5 most important factors to consider as a parent when assessing a preschool for your child:
Teacher’s Qualification: Making sure the person teaching your child is academically qualified before he/she qualifies the future of the world. Making sure and having strict rules for hiring a qualified teacher and if not a to-be qualified teacher with the right kind of attitude and mindset for flourishing our little ones.
Classroom atmosphere: The classrooms should be huge enough for all the students to breathe in comfortably. It should be that they are packing in as many heads as possible which results in less engagement and lack of understanding learning for the children.
Stimulating environment: The environment of the place where your child would be spending half -a-day should be the most comfortable with a whole lot to do. It should be obvious just by walking around the school that there is a lot of learning going on.You should see equipment and resources and children busy and engrossed in learning things. If it is playtime, have the teachers taken out equipment such as beanbags, balancing beams, hula hoops, tyres, etc., or is playtime always just a bare area with one climbing frame? Activities are just as important as understanding learning concepts and books.
General Care: Does the school care for the children? Is the lunch healthy and fresh? Does each class have a first-aid box? Do the classes have heating in winter? And many such factors builds the trust factor between the parents and the preschool, which assures the mother’s especially that their child is safe and sound in that particular space. You will feel that the environment is warm and caring. It should be.
Your Gut Feeling: Most importantly, trust your intuition about the selection of the preschool, as you know its most important decision for your child’s education.If you feel the school is not a caring, educational environment, do not hesitate to keep looking or get in touch with a counselor to help you out.
Sure, a teacher's experience is the most integral part of building a global preschool for our future youngsters, but along with that we need a lot more understanding of the faculty, infrastructure, curriculum, technology & holistic approach of the preschool.
Make sure you as a parent are satisfied with the preschool because, if you get a good feeling, chances are your child will, too.